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Skipping To The End

If the Tech displayed an affinity for the belt-transmission, low angle approach, I would expect the Super Speed to respond better to a shallow prep with better-softened hair, aimed more at minimizing the drag of a steeper pitch.

In either case, I want anti-osmotic witch hazel to put the dermis beyond risk of penetration. I selected "solution" again, instead of the Humphreys toner, to balance a low-glycerin soap. (And because I keep forgetting to cure some of the U.S.P. version.) Then boo-boo juice, just to see what it could do alone, and Williams on top. No smear, but to start a face lather in dilute fashion, I diverted some soapy water from the bowl to my face before loading the brush properly.

First pass was predictably the weakest part of the shaving experience. I could just manage to keep the edge safely levered off my skin when it felt necessary, this time needing to discipline myself early. And I did feel the blade clearly, in all its simplicity, requiring slow strokes. I didn't actually allow any skipping along my skin.

There seemed no reason to hold back, digging for stubs, but in the end, I got the same caliber of performance from the Racer as yesterday. Instead of moisturizing, I needed to put some cocoa butter on, to mollify my roughed-up stratum corneum.  Alum felt a bit raw, without oil in the way, but not painful. I expect no late-onset burn, but I am faceturbating alot. One might be tempted to stretch the truth and call this result BBS, because of a powdery touch and exfoliated sensitivity. But I still missed at the jaw corners, and it really looks no closer than yesterday.

Can't Decide

I like the way my skin was treated by the low-angle approach, represented by the Tech, shaving oil, and moderately (re-) moisturizing soap; but prefer the easy closeness of the moderate angle approach, represented by the Super Speed, boo-boo juice, and Williams. It might come down to which is compatible with pumpkin juice, or otherwise can deliver the hairy-kari effect.

Plus, there are still my other razors to try in this light, including the new BD191 coming on a slow boat. Yeah, I know... I said I was done buying razors. But I can't ignore this major Chinese initiative, only $13 on Amazon (under $10 elsewhere). Baili seems to have seriously embraced classic razors, and is now attempting to reunite them with the bullshit Western market, using "improved" features and added weight. They've always seemed like a good outfit to me. I like how they're handling the unscrupulous middlemen (who ruined the Rimei for everyone). It seems like there would actually be room for a flea marketer to profit, this Xmas... if only I had two cents left to invest!

Lol, let's just see how it shaves first. (And I ain't talking about video.)

Bitch and ye shall receive

Wouldn't you know, the package from China came in today! Way less than the projected shipping time, which makes me feel special, indeed. Damn, not nearly enough stubble to shave yet... (If I stroke WTG and it's smooth, I don't shave.)

Okay, quick impressions, then:

1. These guys are way ahead of the curve in head design. In preternatural accord with the theme of this post, I'm looking at a three-piece with significant gap, and a TTO with much less. Both have extra wide heads with buttresses rising from the guard bar to shield blade corners. For the first time in thirty years, the classic design lineage has advanced! 

2. Photos are not doing these razors justice. You might think the TTO handle resembles an RM2003, with its crudely cast, or formed, pineapple grenade-like grip. But although this handle is also formed (a seam can be found in the recesses), the lines of the grip are crisp, the facets reflective in an organized way. There is even a subtle barrel shape to the handle (which is where it goes wrong in pictures, I think). At least in dry hands, I find this to be a totally acceptable alternative to machine knurling, as costume jewellery would be acceptable to someone who cannot afford a 5-carat diamond. And those pins under the TTO baseplate, that look so horrible in pictures, are what stop the doors opening too far. They have matching notches in the baseplate; it isn't just some half-assed compromise, and they aren't as visually jarring as they appear in photos.

3. The BD191 handle is going to be very interesting, to say the least. It sure is heavy. I think the natural grip might be something like what is used with a gravy ladle. "The weight of the razor" might finally do some work! When fingertips are used as a fulcrum and you shave ATG. (No, not really; but it might contribute some productive force.)

4. Get the bonus brush in the aliexpress offer. It has a crap wooden handle, but some actual fine hair tips. Looks legit!

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