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Worst-Shave Scenario

When I start with a blade that isn't super sharp, I expect it will provide good traction and comfort, but not longevity. Racer and Baili, SuperMax SS, Dorco... today it was the second, pooping out. Despite a thorough prep, the hair would not respond to an efficient attack, only a steep angle of pitch that mildly abraded my skin.

Luckily, I saw this coming, in the distressed look of my skin, and selected my lavender KMF-VDH croap. Receiving a good balance of moisturizers, the stratum corneum displayed no damage. This phenomenon of preventative disintegration, like a controlled burn ahead of a forest fire, accounts for most of the appeal of croap, in my opinion. But, being that it is subconcious for most shavers, praise is lavished on lathering ease and scents.

I enjoy those things also. Lavender goes well with the powder of VDH Select, and it's nice to use lather as dense as Barbasol.

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