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A Good Cause

I may be half mer-man. It seems like I've seen every symptom that these poor souls have to live with on a regular basis. If you're one to deal with charities and taxes in a nice, closed circuit, this time of year, give their donate page a look. Their linking policy intimidates me, but please cut and paste.

More self-interestedly, these folks know a LOT about exfoliation. ("Living with icthyosis") Wow, right down to overheating. The only good thing I've ever done in my life, was to ship off to Louisiana after the Katrina disaster, to help take care of some animals. It was that time of year -- they got snow here while I was gone -- my skin would have undergone its seasonal transformation by then. And sure as shit, I got heatstroke the first day. The lady of the house had been a nurse, thank God.

It's all like that. The scalp scaling -- I JUST BOUGHT a bunch of combs for the family to try out, and I picked the super-fine one, to help me shed my dander. Some of my tiny age spots resemble the scales covering others' bodies. I'm filled with shame, that I ever let any skin problem bother me, and gratitude, that for me, eating less chicken and taking a shower would probably suffice as a cure.

They don't seem to know about pumpkin juice.

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