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Williams Is Skinagra

Forgive me for trying to beat the marketers at their own game. I really am very excited, if not hard. In my face, that is.

There was a bit of interruptus following yesterday's success, when my skin started looking like flaccid again... in the direct overhead light of my bathroom mirror, at a visual range of only inches. Do you ever notice the skin textures of screen actors? I guess I'm doing alright. After declamating the stratum corneum with nighttime pumpkin juice, and collapsing the stratum spinosum with a shot of straight AV Musk, the whole thing just seemed to collapse. The only thing left was a better color.

I don't think it's any kind of setback. The basal layer is usually depicted as deeply folded, and the spiny layer fills the crevices. So if you shrink those cells to the granular state, there goes your skin volume.

I missed the tougher surface I had enjoyed for the last few days of shaving, though, so last night before bed, I used Williams as a "toilet soap," as they said in the old days. (I don't think they had come up with "facial cleansers" yet.) And I got that punctuated finish, the "blade silence," back this morning, but not so much the smooth look.

It seems like, if I can just get the scheduling right, I've gained very "granular" control over my skin condition, with the cheapest shaving supplies available.

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