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Rose Water

Last night I felt like I wanted to neutralize the clay treatment, but thought maybe exfoliant pumpkin juice wasn't in order, given the peeling I had already seen in the "T" zone. The beard was also feeling not so perfect, with a little bit of intrafollicular damage from the GEM's low-angle shave (and, probably, my poor shower technique). I remembered the Italian gentleman and his rose water toner.

I chatted again recently with "RazorGuy Straight Razor Channel," as we were both kicked out of "Classic Shaving" on G+ at the same time, and he was just as... nonplussed? The owner acknowledged that it was intentional when I contacted him directly, not wanting so many links to "outside sites." Right. I don't think I linked my blog more than twice, and that was to spare them my months of updates. (Oh yeah, I was a contributing member before I even started this.) You know what it must have been: those two links to Shave Like Grandad!

More likely, my political speech has again earned me a rebuff from the SMS crowd. Though the only category offered on Classic Shaving is "Debate," I have to consider my longstanding complaints against overpriced, irritating glycerin soaps and cartridge dermaplanes two automatic strikes wherever I go to bat. When I was pitched out of "Traditional Shaving," I was told members themselves were complaining, and to this day, I don't bother posting on marketing sites. Bulletin boards, as you already know, are the most bitter disappointment of all.

May they be identified by their unjust actions. And please, if you're reading this, post links wherever you can, especially G+, as that is pretty much EXACTLY what G+ is for. Personally, I'd send all the SOTD twits to Twitter! Which is why I probably shouldn't start my own "Community."

Anyway, I decoded the difference between commercial rose water toner and plain rose water, as sometimes online the culinary product seems to be simply relabeled for cosmetic purposes. I have only the flavoring, but it indicates pH is balanced by citric acid. Voila! A little bit of oil, a little bit of citric acid, mostly water: sounds like toner to me. A 4-oz bottle ran me $2.99 at TJMaxx.

So washed my face with cloth and water, then dropped a cotton ball into my solution cup, and poured a small splash of rose water onto it. (I need to find some rounds. I think they'd fit.)  It wasn't too smelly, though it certainly lingered afterward. It cleaned, soothed, and softened my oily skin. It didn't make my skin feel less oily at all, really, but when I rubbed my fingertips on my forehead, they didn't pick up any shine.  I think this might be my winter alternative to pumpkin juice, in the evening before bed.

Witch hazel fans may have noticed the appearance of an alternative, citric acid formula at the Dollar Tree. It's in a smaller, opaque bottle.

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