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Reconsidering Blade Longevity

The Rimei blade is two weeks old, and interacting with my skin in a novel way, probably due to my unwillingness to work it ATG at a low angle. It cuts very well WTG, but misses too much ATG. All this time, I have respected the edge as if it were a Feather, because it was so efficient WTG. I also began a new (to me) technique of loosening the handle to work blade flex in my favor, though, so I can't be too sure of that original estimation.

The art of shaving, for me, largely consists of imagining a microscopic interaction based on normal-scale evidence. My interpretation of this shave is that the edge is sliding up the hair shaft ATG, pushing the hair upright simultaneously. When the hair comes into opposition (which it would have immediately, if I weren't so cautious), then the cut is initiated. But by then, a lot of it has rolled off the blade entirely. The further you get from the root, the greater the difference between the intended cut, determined by the root orientation, and the effective cut, determined by the orientation of the hair at the cutting point.

Meanwhile, I have prior evidence that the traction of the blade has increased, threatening the perfect comfort which I've long known should be my priority, but more and more have been practicing with discipline. "Trial by Feather," you might say; also attributable to better understanding of natural moisturization. The catchphrase there would be, "Quality IS Quantity."

So what should I do? A month ago, there would be no question: break out the long-comb NEW, maybe the devette, and go for it. Now: not so sure.

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